CEE CARD Grants: Helping Minnesotans save energy

Feb 3, 2021
Press Release
RTU unit

The Minnesota Department of Commerce has granted a total of $2.向能源与环境中心及其合作伙伴提供400万美元的保护研究经费,用于中东欧将领导或参与的10个多年期项目. 该部门上周宣布了其2020年保护应用研究与发展(CARD)资助周期的接受者, totaling $4.5 million for 22 projects, including the 10 projects affiliated with CEE.

“Minnesota is a leader in energy policy,明尼苏达州商务部临时专员格蕾丝·阿诺德在一份官方声明中说. “These grants, and the research projects they help fund, are important tools to help us make progress... Improved energy efficiency comes with many benefits, from reducing greenhouse gas emissions to creating jobs.”

新授予的资金将支持推进足球外围app哪个靠谱领域的研究,并帮助公用事业公司为明尼苏达州的消费者带来更多的能源节约, 通常与志同道合的组织合作,补充CEE为家庭提供实用能源解决方案的努力, businesses, and communities.

By design, CARD projects quantify the savings, cost-effectiveness, and field performance of advanced technologies; characterize market potential of products and technologies; and investigate and pilot innovative program strategies. 完成的项目为公用事业公司提供了改进相关项目设计或在其保护改善计划(CIP)组合中创建新项目的信息.

Below is the complete list of 2020 CEE-affiliated CARD projects. In each case, 拨款总额是商务部授予该项目负责人的全部金额, with lesser funds to be paid by the project lead to subcontractors. For the first seven projects, CEE is the project lead and official grantee; for the final three projects, another organization is project lead and CEE will serve as a subcontractor.

注:中欧和东欧经常自行资助其研究预算的很大一部分,以补充竞争性赠款. For these 10 projects, CEE及其研究人员将支付CARD未涵盖的所有研究费用, averaging roughly 10% of the total costs per project.

Funded work

Energy Savings from Residential Zoned Air Distribution Systems

  • Grant total: $49,839 over 13 months

  • Project team: CEE (lead)

该项目将评估住宅分区空气分配系统的节能机会. 它将确定明尼苏达州住宅市场当前和未来的系统配置,以确定全州范围内的潜在节能.

Overcoming the Market Barriers for RTU Retrofit Enhancements

  • Grant total: $175,521 over 18 months

  • Project team: CEE (lead)

该项目的目标是制定策略,以克服现有屋顶单元(rtu)的足球外围app哪个靠谱提高的市场障碍。. 本研究将识别和分析RTU改造技术的市场障碍, and suggest strategies to overcome them.

空气-水热泵:高效制冷的寒冷气候解决方案, space heating, and water heating?

  • Grant total: $330,048 over 36 months

  • Project team: CEE (lead)

该项目将评估用于供暖的空气-水热泵的能源节约和成本效益, cooling, and domestic hot water. 该项目还将告知公用事业和用户有关系统类型和配置的信息, and advise which are best suited for Minnesota homes.

Optimizing the New Generation of Grocery Refrigeration Equipment

  • Grant total: $392,393 over 36 months

  • Project team: CEE (lead) with subcontractor VEIC and others as needed

随着食品杂货行业转向使用二氧化碳作为制冷剂, its summertime energy use is increasing. 该项目将评估在明尼苏达州气候条件下提高跨临界二氧化碳系统效率的设计特点的节约和项目潜力.


  • Grant total: $153,380 over 16 months

  • Project team: CEE (lead), with subcontractor Leede Research


How Smart Do Intelligent Buildings Need to Be?

  • Grant total: $202,737 over 24 months

  • 项目团队:CEE(领导),与分包商LHB、Parallel Technologies和Igor, Inc.

这种市场分析将有助于优化智能建筑系统,以平衡节能与这些系统增加的成本, baseloads, and operations and maintenance. 指引将为各类商业建筑空间用途界定适当的智能技术实施水平.

Advanced Controls for Residential HVAC Fan

  • Grant total: $288,659 over 33 months

  • Project team: CEE (lead), with subcontractor Slipstream

这项实地研究将测量节省的潜力,并描述市场上可用的风扇控制器,以提高住宅供暖和制冷系统的效率. 结果将包括为CIP项目节省住宅燃气和电力的措施.

Cold Climate Variable Refrigerant Flow Demonstration and Market Research

  • Grant total: $378,957 over 26 months

  • Project team: Slipstream (lead), with subcontractor CEE ($126,788)

本项目将演示建筑中冷气候变量冷媒流动系统. 该项目将支持一个计划的发展,以增加市场渗透, identify market barriers and programmatic frameworks, and demonstrate cold-climate performance.

The Market for Passive House Multifamily Projects in Minnesota

  • Grant total: $255,580 over 24 months

  • 项目团队:明尼苏达大学CSBR(牵头),分包商CEE ($41,021)

这项工作将使用区域被动式房屋认证多户项目的数据来了解潜在成本, energy and carbon savings, and market barriers. 该团队将确定他们是否适合一个专注于高效率的新公用事业CIP项目, whole-building energy performance.

HVAC Contractor Decision Research

  • Grant total: $209,312 over 12 months

  • 项目团队:EcoMetric Consulting(牵头),分包商CEE(27,692美元)和Apex Analytics

该项目旨在提供深入的数据,了解在小型商业建筑中工作的暖通空调安装人员的动机和障碍. 由此产生的信息将确保项目干预对决策者有意义,并对市场情况作出反应.

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About CEE

能源与环境中心是明尼苏达州501(c)(3)清洁能源非营利组织,在足球外围app哪个靠谱方面具有特殊的专业知识,可以追溯到40年前. Working in homes, businesses, and communities, CEE发现并部署最有效的能源解决方案,以加强经济和改善环境. Online at 672074.net.

Media contact

Tim Hanrahan, 612-244-2419, thanrahan@672074.net

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